9th Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in MInes
The 9th Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines entitled “Rock Mass Response to Mining and Underground Construction” will be held in South America. The Symposium will take place in Santiago, Chile, from 15 to 17 of November 2017. The event will provide an excellent opportunity for the exchange of new ideas and experiences on topics related to mine planning, design and geomechanics. The Symposium is organized by the Department of Mining Engineering and the Advanced Mining Technology Center of the University of Chile in conjunction with others Chilean institutions.
Conference Themes
- Seismic hazard
- Pasive and active seismicity
- Mechanism of seismic events and rockbursts
- Acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data
- Induced and tectonic seismicity
- Integration of modeling, mine planning and design
- Mining and construction under high stress conditions
- Rock mass preconditioning
- Dynamic support
- Laboratory studies
- Case studies