

MINE 469 Stability Analysis in Mine Design.

This is a 4th year advanced course in rock mechanics applied to the geomechanics design of both open pit and underground mines. Includes methods of site investigation for rock mass characterization, planning a field program and analysis of data, methods of stability analysis, including analytical, empirical and numerical. Design of major geomechanical components of mines such as slopes, pillars of various types, stable excavation dimensions, and ground support. Case histories are discussed throughout and extensive use is made of photographs from many mines.

MINE 448 Underground Mine Design Project.

This is the capstone 4th year design project. Each year, a block model and various site investigation data from actual mining projects are used as the starting point for a complete mine design scoping study. Design groups select mining method, production rate, life of mine, design all major facilities, equipment selection, carry out detailed cost estimation and financial analysis of the project, and summarize the project in a professional standard report. The course is generally carried out with input from mine design professionals from industry.


Topics in Ground Control.

Depending on the research area of graduate students, it is possible to tailor this course to provide advanced study of a particular topic. This course is generally run as a directed reading course, in which research reference material is chosen by the instructor, read by the student, and discussed at weekly meetings. In addition to these weekly discussions, assessment is based on a significant project/assignment.

MINE 828 Seismicity in Mines.

This course provides a broad overview of seismicity in mines, ranging from its causes, source mechanisms, waveform analysis, influence of geological factors including stresses, monitoring systems, analysis of seismic data, and applications of seismic data analysis in mining geomechanics and mine design. Familiarity with principles of rock mechanics and structural geology are assumedĀ for the course. Co-taught with Dr. Cezar Trifu, one of the founders of ESG Solutions Inc.

MINE 819 Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics

Overview of the principal methods of numerical model formulation used in mining geomechanics including finite difference, finite element, boundary element and distinct element methods. Mathematical formulation is briefly reviewed but the emphasis of the course is on application to problem solving. Extensive use is made of the FLAC finite difference code to illustrate continuum modelling, initial and boundary conditions, mesh design, constitutive models, support elements and use of the internal programming language FISH to customize control of the model. Case examples from practice are presented and analyzed, and students are expected to become conversant with the code through practical problem solving. A significant component of the mark is based on individual modelling projects.